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To Buy stuff, pick out what you want then e-mail me at telling me what you want and how much it costs. Do not lie about the prices because I will check the prices after I receive your e-mail.
Weapon Name: EP Prices Beam Saber 1 $1,000 Beam Rifle 2 $2,000 Beam Cannon 10 $7,000 Beam Sword 5 $3,000 105mm Machine Gun 2 $1,000 105mm Machine Cannon 10 $4,000 Plasma Sword 10 $5,000 Plasma Cannon 20 $10,000 Plasma Rifle 15 $8,000 Plasma Saber 15 $8,000 Dragon Fangs 20 $2,000 Dragon Fangs w/Extendable Left Arm 25 $10,000 Dragon Fangs w/Extendable Right Arm 25 $10,000 Dragon Fangs w/Extendable Both Arms 49 $19,000 Dragon Fangs w/Flame Thrower 25 $3,000 Dragon Fangs w/flamethrower both arms 60 $25,000 Plasma Fangs 25 $3,000 Beam Fangs 30 $5,000 Flamethrower 10 $5,000 Extendable Left Arm 10 $5,000 Extendable Right Arm 10 $5,000 Extendable Both Arms 19 $9,000 Gundanium Heat Blade Scythe 20 $20,000 Heat Blade Scythe 15 $15,000 Beam Scythe 30 $40,000 Plasma Scythe 40 $50,000 Buster Rifle 40 $40,000 Buster Beam 25 $20,000 Plasma Buster rifle 50 $50,000 Buster Sword 50 $50,000 Triple Buster rifle 100 $100,000 145mm Cannon 25 $15,000 Satellite Cannon 90 $100,000 (Requires Lunar Energy Collector) Vulcan Gun 1 $2,000 Mini Rocket 20 $15,000 for 10 Rocket Pod 60 $20,000 for 1 pod (contains 11 rockets) Homing Rockets 25 $25,000 for 5 4 Tube Torpedo Launcher 20 $20,000 10 Tube Rapid Fire Torpedo Launcher 30 $30,000 Planet Defenders 20 $15,000 Heat Rod 15 $20,000 Retractable Heat Rod 25 $30,000 Reload Crate (reloads weapons) 15 $10,000 Retractable Heat/Electric rod 30 $35,000 Equipment Name EP Price Zero System 120 $120,000 Epeon System 120 $120,000 Virtual Cockpit 50 $100,000 Extendable Left Arm 10 $5,000 Extendable Right Arm 10 $5,000 Extendable Both Arms 19 $9,000 Base 20 $300,000 Energy Cap (boosts Beam Rifle power) 10 $15,000 I-Field Generator 30 $25,000 Escape Pod 5 $10,000 Lunar Energy Collector 30 $85,000 Collects Lunar Energy
if you want to add something that isn't already here, e-mail me about it.